June 2020 Scheduling


How good and pleasant it is to dwell in the Heart of Jesus!
Who is there who does not love a heart so wounded?
Who can refuse a return of love to a heart so loving?

— St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Dear Faithful, 

The government regulations promise a mild reprieve starting on June 1st.  Please carefully note the schedule and details below. 

Let me highly praise and commend on the part of so many, the devotion shown to the Holy Mass and the desire to both attend as well as make special visits to the church for adoration and private prayer.  Please retain this fervor, and do not forget the precious treasures which have been and will continue to be threatened, not as much due to the malice of the enemies of God and the true religion, but much more so as a result of the lukewarmness and lethargy of Catholics! 

Remember well, dear soldiers of Christ:  A lazy soldier, a sloppy soldier, an inattentive soldier, a weak soldier, an untrained soldier, an unthinking soldier, a disobedient soldier...is a dead soldier.  And all he was meant to defend, all he holds dear dies right alongside him.  We are the heirs to heroic saints and battle-tested warriors, let us be sure to show it!

Yours in Christ the King,

Father Michael McMahon

Particular spots are no longer marked for seating, but please note:

  • Do NOT sit in the first three rows of pews closest to the communion rail.

  • The pews on either side of the sanctuary are not to be used.

  • The so-called 'social distance' must be respected.

  • As always, a single family or household may sit together.

  • Families with young children should use the few pews closest to the doors at the back as previously instituted.

You must continue to register for Holy Mass. See the standard schedule below and carefully note the exceptions:

  • Thursday, June 11 — Mass at 7:00 PM for Corpus Christi. No Benediction.

  • Friday, June 19 — Mass at 7:00 PM for the Sacred Heart of Jesus

NB: Saint Michael Scapulars will be ordered according to requests. At some point soon, we will hold a ceremony of blessing and imposition of this powerful sacramental. Please email bookstore@stdennis.ca to request one or more of these scapulars.

"Terrible is this place . . . it shall be called the Court of God!"
— Genesis 28, 17


Let us all remember that upon entering the church, we enter a sacred and awesome place where the august Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated, divine grace is distributed and Our Lord is ever present in the tabernacle. 

This House of God and Gate of Heaven demands to be properly respected in our demeanor, our dress and our bearing, in our thoughts, words and actions from the moment of entry until we depart.  Please keep this in mind when entering and when preparing for Mass or private prayer.  One should make every attempt out of the most profound respect for Almighty God, as well as to our neighbor to be as quiet and unobtrusive as possible.  

We should prepare ourselves in the vestibule.  That is the designated place to remove our coats and sweaters, not in the pews; that is where we should put our keys away, turn off our phones (if you must have one!), not in the pews; that is where we should recollect ourselves and begin thinking of the great grace about to be ours by crossing the threshold into the nave of the church. 

Entering, we have the grand opportunity to practice fruitfully the two great Commandments by loving God and neighbor through our attentive actions as well as our fervent prayers.  Our actions must manifest our faith.

Standard Schedule

(Registration required for Holy Mass)

Mass:  8:00 AM
Mass:  9:30 AM

Mass:  11:00 AM

Mass:  7:15 AM

Mass:  7:15 AM
Mass:  7:00 PM
* NO Mass June 10

Mass:   7:15 AM
Confessions:  6:30 PM
Benediction:  7:00 PM
*June 11: Mass at 7 PM (No Benediction)

Mass:  7:15 AM
Confessions:  6:30 PM
*June 19: Mass at 7 PM

Mass:  8:00 AM
Confessions: 5:00 PM

Bookstore available during Confession times.

Confessions are also available by appointment.  Call 403-233-0031 

Register for Masses: stdennis.ca/scheduling